Thursday, May 19, 2011

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

I was very lucky to be able to help with my 2nd Extreme Makeover Home Edition House! Here are some photos of two of the design projects I worked on for the Master Bedroom.

Large faux yearbook page mural designed with images from the families actual yearbook and snapshots. Based on their actual High School yearbook.  The center has a love letter written from the husband to his wife (enlarged to 2' x 3').  The barn doors slide open and closed to reveal or hide the yearbook page.

I designed the mural that was faux painted on the brick wall over the Master Bedroom bed.  A faux finishing company took the designed and transfered it onto the wall.

It was a great expereince and I was able to hang out in the design producers trailer and meet them all.  I also filmed a scene with Ty!  We were talking about the yearbook project.  It didnt make it into the show, but I can say I have filmed a scene for a TV show with Ty.

I would definately help again on another project. Its great to be able to give back to a family in need.
Seeing the process of how the magic happens is amazing too!

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